Monday, June 30, 2008

Oh Chili!

Chili likes to drink from a cup. And he's not picky, he doesn't mind whose cup it is. He just sticks his furry little paw in there and drinks to his heart content.

This is how he does it...

First he checks the area out to see if anyone is looking. Then slowly lowers his paw in.

And gets it wet, and licks.

And licks.

And licks.


Then he goes for more.

And by this time, he doesn't care if anyone is looking. He's deep in thought and process.

Sometimes he realizes that he has water on his paw and flings it. It's great to get wet by that.

Hmmm...maybe I'm done.

Or not.

And it continues. And then I get a clean glass and fresh water. And try to hide it from him.


Family Amos said...


Mallory said...

Oh my goodness. He is hilarious! This made me laugh. I cannot WAIT to see him!!!!!