Monday, June 15, 2009

Spring flowers on Michigan St

Took these the day of the bike race. Thought the garden was coming along nicely.
See I have macro too Mal :)

This bush is absolutely loaded so I cut some for the living room.

Rhodies by the sun porch.

Cannot be a prettier flower but I might have had a better photo if I had my Granddaughter in it!

Another view from the front of the house. The races went from 10 AM untill about 6 PM. It was kind of fun to watch, they really went fast!
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We had the "tour de Mt Pleasant this past weekend. There were hundreds of riders. One very spectacular crash on our corner late in the day. Thankfully onely one rider did not complete this race, he took the wheel off his bike and walked away.
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Saturday, May 23, 2009

Zoomed Petz

I've just discovered the macro on my camera......




Oooooodles of fun!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Prom '09

It's fun taking photos of these teens... This is Prom night. (L to R) Michael, Hannah, Mallory and Chris.

And the token "look" pose

Michael and Hannah. Hannah wore her mom's prom dress. Love it!


Michael getting his dance skills ready

Mallory's corsage

Pretty girlz


And Hannah

Hannah's corsage...Macey's BEST. Love the dragonfly!


How about that red hair?

My little Mal Pal is growing up!

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Thursday, April 16, 2009

April Snow

We woke up to a 5" blanket of snow this morning.

So Eddy and I headed out for some photos.

I love winter in Utah. There are mild days and cold days and snowy days like this.


With this much snow in the valley it can only mean one thing...super snow in the mountains. And that means great skiing this weekend!

A view to the north.

Even Gary went outside to check it out. He didn't like it so much.

I bet this will all be gone by this afternoon. Our temps were around 70 just last week.

I'm happy to see the snow make one last appearance before Spring.