Here's some more photos of our drive. So the view above is what the mouth of the canyon looks like. This is about 10 minutes from our house.

Once in the canyon, you drive up - up - up, then cross a summit and go down, past Sundance Resort and come out through Provo Canyon. The tallest peak with snow in the upper right is Mt. Timpanogos, the peak you can see from our back yard and the tallest in the Wasatch Range. The Wasatch Mountains are considered part of the Rocky Mountain Range - the furthest west line.

See Eddy smile. Car rides and mountains are on his top 5 favorites list.

See Wyatt smile. Car rides and mountains might be on his top 5 favorites list. Maybe I'll ask him about that.

There is a place up there called Aspen Grove. Gorgeous.

Wyatt was taking these photos as I was driving.

We are in the 5000 - 10,000 range for elevation through out the drive. I painted a picture of a view in this area a few years ago.

I was more artsy a few years ago. I would like to start painting again. Maybe I will.

In a little valley area there is this nature reserve called Cascade Springs. Everything is green and the air is so fresh.

Here is the color version of that photo that made you cold. Sorry about that, Mom.

You have to watch out for Stinging Nettle.

And running sasquatches...

And boys carrying 75 pound dogs.

Why is this funny?

I don't know why the pic of Wyatt carrying Eddy is funny either, but it cracked me up:)
Lots of wonderful photos of the beautiful scenery and both you and Wyatt and Eddy. Thanks for sharing!
Did you teach Eddy to read recently? We saw him reading the sign near the bridge!
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