I'd like to fancy myself a gardener.

You know, like my knowledgeable and skillful Garden Clubber mom, Mary Lou.
I have this Bleeding Heart plant that I planted about 5 years ago on the corner of the house. Every year it gets larger and produces more and more flowers. This year it's bigger than ever.

Don't you love the flowers?

And it seems to look even more wonderful when a cute doggie sits by it.

(High voice) "Hi Eddy Mateo! Do you love the Bleeding Heart? Oh boy! Sure you do! It's your favorite!"

Look how well this Peony is doing this Spring. It was planted the same time as the Bleeding Heart. I'm expecting big things from this one.

And this sweet little corner of the property, we refer to it as The Ghetto. Try not to stare at the two dead trees or all of the weeds, or the dirt pile behind the dead trees, or the neighbors camouflaged tarp covered dog pen. You can hardly see it.
Looks like I have some work to do.
Instead, let's look at this. AAAaaaawwwww!

Eddie is so darn cute!
You are a mighty fancy gardener. Couldn't have done better myself.
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