Grandad and I went on a trip to Canada with a couple of his friends, Dennis, Ben and Ben's son, Alex. Here are a couple of pictures from the trip...

Thats one big fish! Its called a Pike. They always bite off your lines and are really slimy.

Todays catch: Six Walleye, one Pike. Thats all we kept, though. We caught anywhere from fourty to fifty fish every day.

This is our cabin, a lot more roomy than I expected.

It was so beautiful there, especially in the mornings and in the evenings.

Thats Ben, who just pulled up a big Pike, which shortly after bit off his hook. Don't mind the finger in the corner.

Thats our plane, the Beaver.

Dennis sat at the back of the boat and drove me and Grandad around the lake. Once again, sorry about the finger.

It was so peaceful there, too.

That's one huge Walleye!

Above, Grandad, cleaning the fish after a good day of fishing.

Thats the end of our trip, and it was the best trip ever! Thank you so much Grandad, I hope I can go again!