This Saturday I got back from a 3-day trip to Lake Powell with my good friend Rachel. It was wonderful!!! Her family has a time share on a house boat, so certain weeks of the year they get to use it. When we got there, we rode out to the house boat, then came back to the shore and picked up Rachel's parent's frie
nds. There were 7 adults and 4 kids, me, Rachel, her sister Erica, and Erica's friend Derek.
We swam a lot every day, even though the water was freezing! There was a slide on the side of the boat that we slid andjumped off of. We also had 4 waverunners! Those things were so fun! And I also wakeboarded. I LOVE it, but my arms got so sore!!

At night me and Rachel would set up our beds right under the stars. They were so vibrant and clear!

I had such an awesome time, I really want to do it again! I didn't take very many pictures, but here's a few of me holding the fish, Rachel on deck, and me sortof driving the boat ;)