Here we are on the lift.

Our first run of the day, this is how the day started out...
Another run and Mal rode behind us on the chair. Who is that guy?

After lunch, Mal left us to go teach. She has a job at the ski resort as a Peer Ski Instructor. She assists the Ski Instructors with the little ones. She loves her job!

We headed over to the Great Western slopes. Surprisingly there was a lot of ice on the cat track down to the run. It was in the high teens, pretty sunny and windy. Neck gators and goggles were a must!

There was a guy behind a sign that said "Action Photos" on this run. We could see him from the chairlift as we were going up the mountain. We couldn't find him anywhere when we got to where he was so we took our own pictures.

That's Kurt looking king-ish and Wyatt is that little speck near Kurt's knee.

Wyatt caught up, now who's king-ish? More like giant-ish from this perspective.

And Jen taking a rest - our thighs were burning on these last few runs!

We decided to go take a break and warm up. Here's all of our skiis taking a rest too.

Kurt gives the evil eye.

Wyatt gives the stink eye.
One last look at a video from the day of Wyatt showing off his skills.
Looks like a blast...winter is sure withering away. Enjoy the snow whilst it lasts!!
Everyone looked so good. Glad you had fun!
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